The Hilarion Catalog

Universal Laws on CD-ROM

All 13 of the Universal Laws, on one CD-ROM, channeled by Jon C. Fox. This CD-ROM plays on a computer, or a DVD player, but not an Audio CD Player. You must have a computer, a CD-ROM drive, a sound card and speakers in order to listen, or a stand-alone DVD player. Plays on Windows and MacIntosh computers. This recording of the Universal Laws is in the MP3 format.

If you want to be sure whether your DVD player will play our CD-ROM, look in its manual to see if it will play the MP3 format. Nearly all DVD players will play this format, and every DVD player we have tried our CD-ROM on plays it perfectly. Some automobile CD players will also play the MP3 format, and our CD-ROM will work on those, too (check your manual).

Bonus Track: "Meet Your Spirit Guides."

$29.95 (0.00 )

Hilarion Catalog

| Jon's Books and CDs | The Universal Laws Audiotapes and CD-ROM | Books by Many Authors | Quarterly Hilarion Channelings | Books Channeled by Jon C. Fox |
| Books Channeled by Maurice B. Cooke | The DVDs | Inert Gas Devices | Transformational Hilarion CDs And Audiotapes |

Hilarion Catalog
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